Please help us to get 1000 signatures on the petition. Deadline 21st February, 2025.

Next WERA committee meeting

The next WERA committee will be held on Monday, 3rd March 2025 at 8pm. If you wish to raise an item, please contact us via the ‘contact us’ section on the website. Agenda items need to be received at least 7 days before the meeting.

Forthcoming Events

WERA Noticeboard

‘The WERA noticeboard has recently been updated. It can be found outside Coop on Carholme Road. We will be sharing upcoming events here, so if you know people who do not use Facebook, please let them know about this noticeboard so they can keep up to date with events.’

The survey has now closed.

The results will be published shortly, both here on the website and also on our facebook page.

Thanks to all those who took the time to fill it in.

The latest edition of “Hello West End”